President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping meets with Czech President Milos Zeman in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
Czech President Milos Zeman visits the Czech Republic booth at the International Pavilion of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 Beijing, in Beijing, April 28, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]
China Esteran Airlines
In recent years, we have noticed that the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) has released the Higg Material Sustainability Index (Higg MSI). However, the one-sidedness and inaccuracy of the index on the environmental impact of silk have created considerable confusion and consternation among the global silk fraternity. This may create cascading effect on the livelihood opportunities to millions of stakeholders in the rural areas and producing mills all across the globe.
With a view to reflect the carbon neutrality and sustainability of silk products in a more comprehensive and objective manner, International Silk Union (ISU) joined hands with several organizations, such as International Sericultural Commission (ISC), Ufficio Italiano Seta (UIS), INTERSOIE France and Brazilian Silk Association (ABRASEDA), to table the following proposal:
Ⅰ. To question the method of developing Higg MSI scoring on silk
Higg MSI arrived the environmental impact value of silk as 1086, which is more than 30 times worse than synthetic fabric. The irrationality of its scoring was mainly manifested on the following aspects:
1. Higg MSI’s assessment of the life cycle of silk only stays at the stage from sericulture to fabric (that is, from “cradle to gate”). Refer to the international standards of ISO 14020:2000 Environmental labels and declarations-General principles and ISO 14040:2006 ISO 14040:2006 Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework, the life cycle assessment of silk products should be a research type from “cradle to grave”, which covers the production, use and disposal of silk ready to wear, silk apparels and silk home textiles. Silk is the “queen of fibers”, and its manufactured goods had a long service life and were eventually biodegradable. Therefore, the research from “cradle to grave” is more convincing, complete and scientific.
2. The evaluation indicators of Higg MSI only included “global warming potential”, “nutrient pollution in water / eutrophication”, “water scarcity”, “fossil fuel depletion” and “chemistry”. It should be added to comprehensively evaluate the environmental performance according to the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules Guidance (PEFCR).
3. As manifested by relevant data, Higg MSI’s scoring data of silk originated from a paper called Life Cycle Assessment of Indian Silk published by Miguel F. Astudillo et al. on the Journal of Cleaner Production. The data in this paper were collected early than 2013, lack of timeliness, and using the data from individual countries or regions to evaluate the environmental impact of silk is not representative and comprehensive. It is understood that the research was carried out for a completely different purpose, not for the Higg Index.
4. Higg MSI didn’t and still does not make public its calculation method and is free from social supervision. The silk producers made nothing of the results and cannot trace their origins. By and by, the consumers’ negative perception on silk are being intensified and the producers’ confidence also severely blown.
II. To make a comprehensive and objective assessment of life cycle of silk products
In 2015, nearly 200 countries jointly adopted the Paris Agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. Many countries have enacted low-carbon development strategies in succession. In 2020, China set out the goal of “achieve peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060”. Britain boosted the reduction of greenhouse gas using two approaches, restriction and incentive, and identified low-carbon electricity as the core of low-carbon development. By formulating the National Programme for the Mitigation of Climate Change, France clearly defined the selecting and formulating principles of emission reduction measures.
It is a joint duty and commitment of the countries, silk academia, business circles and consumers to respond to the global low-carbon development strategies and facilitate the healthy development of silk industry. The international silk industry requires an open, comprehensive and objective assessment system for the life cycle of silk products, to steer the production and consumption of silk industry.
1. It is necessary and impelling to determine the boundaries of the assessment system which confirms to the current production and consumption of silk according to relevant international standards, as well as evaluate its environmental performance in the whole life cycle from sericulture, production, design, use, re-use, up cycling and disposal of silk products. The evaluated sustainability scores are validated by ISO and provided for public use and interpretation.
2. The evaluation sample should be comprehensive, representative and accurate. It should include major silk producing countries such as China, India and Uzbekistan, as well as silk manufacturers and consumers in Europe and the United States, involving the key links of silk production such as silk reeling, twisting, weaving, printing and dyeing, truly reflect the production technology and production conditions of the international silk industry, and the consumer behavior and consumption habits.
3. It is a compelling duty to divide the industrial chain in a rational way, make a comprehensive, deep and transparent as well as really traceable inventory analysis on each stage and gradually improve the life cycle assessment of silk products, so that a more open and transparent evaluation system that withstands the test of practice can be widely used applied the silk industry, and raise the awareness of environmental responsibility of the silk industry.
4. To actively seek policy support, fully exert the linkage between trade organizations and enterprises, allow high-quality and time-sensitive industrial data to be applied to the assessment system and objectively reflect the environmental performance of silk products. Promote market-oriented green technological innovation, standardize LCA research in the global silk industry, formulate Silk Product Category Rules (PCR), industry standards and sustainability indexes, guiding silk enterprises to green production.
5. Last but not least silk needs all of us to take the initiative to cultivate consumers’ green values and green spending habits, and give full value to the publicity function of the media platform, so that consumers can fully understand carbon neutrality, sustainability and ecological environment protection, and create a demand engine for the development of green silk industry.
Plan energy resources as a whole and advocate greenness and low carbon. We are liable to co-build a green home for silk. Industry organizations, enterprises and brands of International silk should pool efforts, seek common development, propel the comprehensive and objective assessment of the life cycle of silk products, and guarantee the healthy and sustainable development of the silk industry.
Setkání prezidenta republiky Miloše Zemana s ministrem zahraničních věcí USA Mikem Pompeem na Pražském hradě probíhalo v přátelské atmosféře.
Ministr zahraničních věcí USA tlumočil pozdrav od prezidenta USA Donalda Trumpa. Prezident republiky podotkl, že Donalda Trumpa podporoval před volbami v roce 2016 a v souvislosti s nadcházejícími prezidentskými volbami poznamenal, že obecně nevěří průzkumům voličských preferencí.
Ministr zahraničních věcí USA ocenil vynikající česko-americké vztahy ve všech oblastech a konstatoval jejich další potenciál.
Prezident republiky vyzdvihl přátelství s USA, a podotkl, že sympatie k USA chová již od svého mládí. Vyjádřil podporu přátelské politiky USA vůči Izraeli a přesunu ambasády z Tel Avivu do Jeruzaléma.
Tématem byl i boj s terorismem, kdy prezident republiky varoval před neuváženým stažením armádní mise z Afghánistánu. Prezident republiky též ocenil vzájemné ekonomické vztahy. S ministrem zahraničních věcí USA panovala shoda na podpoře volného obchodu.
Ministr zahraničních věcí USA zdůraznil zájem prezidenta USA na dalším prohlubování transatlantické vazby.
Pokud jde o Rusko a Čínu, prezident republiky při setkání zdůraznil, že jeho politika je vedena pragmaticky ve směru ekonomické diplomacie, nikoliv zájmy jinými.
Jiří Ovčáček, ředitel Odboru tiskového a tiskový mluvčí prezidenta republiky
Central and Eastern European countries: Zhejiang Export Online Fair 2020 presents -Household Necessities and Decorative Materials, hosted by the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province which will be held from 5th-11st June, 2020. and will be undertaken by Zhejiang Zhongzhe International Exhibition & Commerce CO., Ltd.
Nearly 100 enterprises from Zhejiang and Central and Eastern European countries will be a part of this unique online exhibition through a video conference.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on economies and societies. In an attempt to minimize the impact of lack of production of household daily necessities and decorative supplies, and to provide a solution for enterprises, when they are unable to take part in an on-ground exhibition and merchants are facing hassles in communication, the department of commerce of Zhejiang province is offering this unique online platform wherein an exhibition on Household necessities and decorative materials in Central and Eastern European countries will take place.
The online fair gives a legal, effective, reliable, and affordable way to trade; giving full play to the numbers of Zhejiang economic advantages. Use of big data, mobile internet, social community-integrated digital solutions, such as precision docking. Zhejiang Household necessities and decorative materials product of procurement required with Central and Eastern European countries, keeping clear of the international supply chain.
The Fair will be held from June 5th to 11st 2020, with more than 50 Central and Eastern European countries Household necessities and decorative materials product industry associations, enterprises and related institutions taking part and 50 high-quality Zhejiang Household necessities and decorative materials product manufacturers realizing online accurate docking and accurate matching through internet cloud video conferencing technology.
European families pay attention to adornment, quality, Given the characteristics of the European building materials decoration market, Chinese building materials decoration products and daily necessities suitable for soft decoration are high quality and low price, so the export market in central and eastern Europe has obvious advantages.
During the online fair, digital services such as cloud exhibitions, cloud promotion, and cloud negotiation for the exhibitors will also be provided in Zhejiang province. All aspects and multiple dimensions will be displayed in the exhibits so that the overseas buyers can have a more intuitive understanding of the exhibits and relevant information and promote the online transaction between the supply and demand sides.
Because of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China, my homeland has been highly watched by the world for a while, and I have continuously received messages from relatives and friends in the United States, Canada, Australia, Finland and other countries, expressing their affection, caring and wishing to me and my family. Through these messages and media reports, I also know a lot of foreign news.
For example, the air purifier developed and manufactured by the Mikkeli factory in Finland is effective in controlling coronavirus. I heard that this is the best purifier in the world .It will soon arrive in Wuhan. Countries such as Japan and Belarus sent by air a large amount of medical protective supplies, including masks, protective clothing, goggles and other urgently needed items. Countries such as Germany sent experts to support China, and people in many countries helped local Chinese donate money, send blessing videos, and more.
“Tribulation see true feelings.” At this time, sending coal in the snow made us feel warmer and reminded me of the lyrics “I don’t know who you are, but I know who you are for.” Chinese people know how to be grateful, just as a Chinese saying said “If you give me a drop of water,I will repay you with a lot of spring water. ”
At the same time, we also heard some less friendly news. For example, some Chinese people who were abroad and foreigners who have recently returned from China have been attacked or even treated violently. Some countries and regions refused to sell medical protective equipment to China. Some people in some countries call for rejecting Chinese entry.
In this regard, I understand your feelings, but please believe in the capabilities of the Chinese government, the determination of the Chinese people, and our sense of responsibility for this planet.
The Chinese government has taken a lot of proactive measures quickly, even if it will cause our economy to decline. This fully reflects a country’s global responsibility, including closing crowded places, Chinese tourist attractions and cultural sites, encouraging citizens to stay out at home and extend Chinese New Year holidays, making a series of medical measures to quickly respond to the virus, research and develop new pharmaceutical products.
Since January 2020, my family and I have responded to the country ’s call. We do not go out and stay at home every day, both to protect ourselves and to prevent the spread of the virus. Although it has brought us a lot of inconvenience, we have worked hard to overcome it and try not to harm our planet.
At the same time, no matter poor or rich, “Eight immortals cross the sea, each show their magical powers”, we work together to overcome difficulties.
My younger brother’s wife works in a hospital. She volunteered to work in the most dangerous department to help patients. She only eats two eggs and wears a diaper when she works, because she wants to go to the bathroom less often, which can save protective clothing, masks and other materials.
Before leaving, she kissed and kissed her child, and the child cried because the family of three had to be separated for many days, despite the Spring Festival, the family reunion day.
I said to my sister-in-law, “The child stays in my home, please do not worry. You can work at ease but protect yourself. Our parents have helped many people in the past, so we have a happy life now. You can help many other people now. Your child will also be blessed by you and be helped and taken care by many people. ”
I also do my best to help more people to stablize emotion and reduce stress by writing articles and teaching online, because a good attitude will help physical health, social stability, and peace of mind.
There is an old saying in China, “Sai Wong loses his horse, but he knows that why it is not a blessing?” Through this incident, he also brought us a lot of gains.
The first is to reflect. In the future, we will further improve the scientific response and management of emergencies and we will pay more attention to natural ecological environment protection, and to the establishment of good sanitary habits, etc.
The second is the quiet days staying at home, letting us have more leisure time, reading quietly, listening to music, studying, practicing calligraphy, thinking, etc.with less impetuousness, more calm. Personal ability and literacy have been improved.
The third is to cherish the enjoyment of family fun. Family reunion days make us feel happier. Some families even return to good relationship, like reunion of broken mirrors. Yes, everything happens can help us!
My dear, my country has experienced many major disasters such as the Wenchuan earthquake, SARS, and so on. Please believe that we can defeat the virus this time! If you have a virus case in your country, please don’t complain about the patient, because I believe he or she is inadvertent and a poor virus victim.
At the same time, I also hope that you can protect yourself and your family, that you are safe and healthy, and that you are benefiting the world.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau travels to the Chinese community in Toronto. He emphasized that Canadian society does not allow discrimination based on fear or misinformation.
There are also many children from my home country scattered around the world. I hope you treat them well, just like you treat your own children. Even foreigners who have recently left China, please do not attack them. We fight against viruses, not people. I remember there is a best-selling book in the United States. I like it very much. The title is “Love is the answer to everything.”
My motherland has supported many countries without asking for returns, regardless of donations or technical support, etc. Now that we can get your assistance, it reminds me of a sentence, “Love will return to those who give love. Blessings will be blessed.” We need your help at this time. Helping others is not only achieving ourselves, but also helping our common home — Earth!
Finally, deep blessings and gratitude to you. I will welcome you in China when the spring flowers bloom!
By: Yushou
Tianjin’s medical team to Africa has a history of up to 56 years and it was the country’s first medical team assisting African countries with leading medical services to the needy and those at the grassroots level.
The Tianjin local news app portal Jinyun covered the experience of the 20th Tianjin medical aid team, composed of 26 doctors from 16 hospitals, to Gabon, during their 13-month service there beginning from July 27, 2018.
The doctors had treated 83,804 patients, completed 2,162 surgical operations, and helped provide relief to many suffering from severe diseases for a number of years.The video titled A Log on Life is a true record of their daily work, and also the record of their faith in and respect for life. Medicine is not restricted by national boundaries, and doctors share a common sympathy for patients.
The medical team has won the respect and love from the people of Gabon for their selfless dedication.
Evaluation-meeting 2019
6. 12. 2019 (Friday)
09.00 – 13.00
Místo konání/Venue: Letiště České Budějovice Airport Budweis, LKCS
Dear friends,
another year has (almost) gone. Accept, please, our cordial invitation to meet and evaluate the current year 2010 of the project and programme Geomed.
Let me to present the proposed themes for our discussion: The medical, medicinal and health-care importance of typical South Bohemia products – i.e. peat (for bath and in drinks as well), soft berries (vaccinium myrtillus, vaccinium macrocarpon), fermented meat and milk products, and last but not least, beer, wine (vitis vinifera) and natural inhalations of forest fresh air (balsamic aromatic silices – alfa pinen) and lavender (linalool).
This year we have focused on natural inhalations-balsamic silices/volatile substances in forest/woodair, mainly in direct vicinity of Česke Budejovice , and natural inhalations in general.
The challenge of the day is:
Why, how and which way to South Bohemia,
to the oasis and source of the health.
The imminent and explicit importance of this attitude as “destination management feature“ not only for tourism, but for residential housing as well, calls for cooperation not only on the field of medical sciences and research, but also the direct co-operation with marketing, promotion, logistic and public-media world. Nothing would be achieved without direct involvement of governmental and non-governmental bodies, agencies and subjects as well.
That is why we simply „must“ come together and meet on
December the 6th, 2019 – 09.00 to 13.00
Looking forward to meet you, on behalf of organisers and supporters,
Mgr Hana Kalová, RPA,
Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, Hospital Budweis JSC,
Working Task Group NUTRACEUTICS, Czech Society of Clinical Pharmacology
The President, EMA – European Medical Agency, Budweis/České Budějovice
Organising and Logistics:
Lázně Bechyně spol. s r.o.
EMA – European Medical Agency n.f.,
EMA-services spol. s r.o.,
Nadační fond SPŠ Stavební České Budějovice
Asia Pacific News Agency (Macau news) At the 7th Macau International Innovation Exhibition, which ended on October 13, 39 secondary vocational students from Zunyi rural area, Guizhou Province, China, won all the prizes for their ten inventions. It has won the only special award of the student group, 2 gold awards, 4 silver awards and 4 bronze awards. Its outstanding invention and creativity have been greatly praised by the international jury, which shows the extraordinary strength of Chinese youth’s invention and creation.
Zunyi Secondary Vocational School Is the Largest Exhibition Team
This invention exhibition is one of the important activities of “Macao 2019 Science and Technology Week and National Science and Technology Innovation Exhibition”. It is understood that the technology week is organized in cooperation with China’s “13th Five-Year Plan”, “One Belt and One Road” and “Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau”. The exhibition attracted more than 20000 visitors from China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as foreign countries.
Science and technology week is sponsored by the Science and Technology Committee of the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, and organized by the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Science and technology week is an annual large-scale public welfare science popularization activity in Macao. The exhibition venue covers an area of 12000 square meters.
The contents of the national science and technology innovation exhibition include nearly 40 national innovative technological
achievements and models in aerospace engineering, polar scientific research, deep sea exploration, VR interactive experience and major achievements in the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China. In addition to organizing competitions, lectures, performances, workshops and Macao’s local science popularization achievements this year, it also shows Macao’s important scientific and technological achievements and progress since its return to the motherland 20 years ago.
In addition, the 7th Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition, 2019 Macao Youth Innovation Challenge, 2019 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Youth Innovation Observation Competition and a Large-Scale Calligraphy and Science and Technology Event that hit the Guinness world record were held simultaneously.
In the 7th Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition, there are more than 330 invention works from domestic provinces and cities as well as more than 20 countries such as Indonesia, Portugal and Britain. Among them, Zunyi South Liquor Secondary School and South Technology and Technical school from Zunyi City, Guizhou Province specially organized 39 students to participate in the exhibition, which is the largest exhibition team.
The School Located in Rural Area Offers the Course of Innovation and Invention
Zunyi Southern Liquor Secondary Vocational School and Southern Science and Technology Technical School are established with the support of Zunyi Municipal Party Committee and Municipal People’s Government, the promotion of Huichuan District Party Committee and District People’s Government, and the help of Municipal Education Bureau, Huichuan District Education Bureau, Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Huichuan District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
The school was founded in 2013 and 2017 respectively, breaking the rules and creating an innovative and efficient 622193 school model to cultivate craftsmen. The school is located
in Tuanze Town, Huichuan District, Zunyi, surrounded by mountains and rivers, covering an area of more than 100 mu and a building area of 30000 square meters. In 2019, the school has more than 1300 registered secondary vocational students and 3229 socialized training students (the total number of poor labor gratitude and inspirational education and training is nearly 3029, and 200 gratitude and inspirational teachers are trained in Zunyi City). It is a school with initial scale.
In order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship services, the school has directed more than 300 people for innovation and entrepreneurship personnel in Zunyi. There are computer decoration design, Internet marketing, liquor marketing, liquor brewing, e-commerce, aviation, high-speed rail crew, early childhood education (preparatory) and other specialties. At present, there are more than 90 faculty members (including part-time teachers), including 6 faculty members and 51 faculty members. Among the 51 faculty members, there are experienced professional teachers, such as decoration and decoration engineers, senior liquor brewing engineers, marketing professional teachers, senior entrepreneurship consultants, senior professional titles teachers and intermediate professional titles teachers.
Not only that, the school innovates its school running characteristics, especially its advanced 622193 school running mode, such as “national defense education system, successful (entrepreneur) tutor system, innovative invention education system, eloquence training system” and other advanced school running modes in the nine major training systems, which greatly helps students gain self-confidence, improve their innovation ability, and thus students are changed to promote their love of vocational education. The school has been widely praised by all walks of life.
In 2017, on behalf of Guizhou Province, the school participated in the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Efficiency Competition hosted by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, etc., and won the first prize.
This year, with the support of Chongqing Institute of Innovation and Invention, founded by Teng Hung-chi, Taiwan’s “king of invention”, the school will integrate innovation and invention into the school running and education management system, and build an international brand of innovation and invention and entrepreneurship education as their development vision; in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship and innovation education, the school has an excellent training system and achievements.
Award-winning Students Lead China’s “Invention Tide”
Among the 39 students who participated in the exhibition, they carried 10 inventions, including Water Level Monitoring Sensor, Thermostat Helmet, Convenient Purified Water Cup, Lazy Toothbrush, Multi-functional Oil Removing Lipstick Cleaning Device, Integrated Charger, Colorful Interesting Water Cup and Self-cleaning Projecter Screen.
After international and domestic review and evaluation for many times, it finally won the only student group special award, 2 gold awards, 4 silver awards and 4 bronze awards among the 12 special awards set by the organizing committee. According to Gui Guanghui, the school’s president, the competition has created a total of ten invention awards. “It’s the only team in the show that has made history,” he said.
After winning the prize, the school held a signing ceremony and cooperation conference at the exhibition site, and held a meeting with the students from Taiwan.(News sources:Asia Pacific News Agency )
Asia Pacific News Agency (Author/Ganga Prasad Upreti) China is the passionate brethren of Nepal. This is the pleasure of we Nepalese to embrace to welcome the President of the People’s Republic China Mr. Xi Jin Ping today. This is the initiation to enhance peace and prosperity together with dignity not only in this region but also in the global. China, collaborating and compassionate for the greater cause of humanity together with all the stockholders beyond the geographical and cultural frontiers. President Xi Jin Ping is not only the visionary leader, but also a man of passion with compassion and humanity.
Nepali Culture: Guest is the God
In the Nepali culture guest consideration as the god. This is the values and tradition. This is one of the most important essences of the cultural values. The brethren, guest, and the President of People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jin Ping, for the compassion, respected to the full of the dignity and the beings to enhance humane. It is the cultural norms. We know that we keep our home environment clean and peaceful always. Keeping the courtyard clean in any special cultural festivals and on the occasion of welcoming the guests is also our cultural value. Flowing this tradition and value now the capital city Kathmandu is clean and peaceful to warm welcome to the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jin Ping.
Collaborative initiatives with Xi Jin Ping’s visit
The president Xi Jin Ping envision a collaborative and cooperative sense of coexistence respecting dignity and values with the communities in the world. This is the essence of Xi Jin Ping thoughts and it’s very important to this world. Belt and Road Initiative is the way to proact for the global development.
Nepal is a landlocked country. The country endorse a transit treaty with the China in the recent days specifically after the embargo from India, Particularly after the inauguration of the constitution in 2015. It needed Infrastructure development, however it was not possible from a state point of view, for that very reasons we needed cooperation and collaboration. This initiative not only mediated and facilitated with the historical visit of the President Xi Jin Ping and the Chinese love and passion. I hope this will facilitated the access to the north, and to the world. The BRI is most important connectivity not only to China and India, but also to the world, not only by terrestrial network but also to the sea. This railway to access through the Himalayan corridor is the most important to the south Asian communities, but also it’s a global initiate for peace and prosperity. Geopolitics engaged with such endeavors not only go beyond the frontiers, but also permeated through other endeavors. However, the perspect entailed so far with the geopolitical and international relations. It is one of the most important connectivity in the world not only for the economic development, but also for the human security and peace. Enabling connectivity which China and Nepal overland transportation network impacts the international relations East Asia, Middle East, South Asia, West Asia the trade with the Indian continent is assured. Despite, one of the opinion is that BRI might corrugate the Nepalese and the Indian relation adversely.
This is why, this is the dream. To materialized this dream now the communities, China and Nepal are collaborating. This connectivity not only transforms the lives of the south Asia, global humanity. Connectivity is the key of the economic development. In the contemporary world trade is more important than politics. How we learn from the Chinese is that, first develop the economic foundation, than prosperity is possible. There will be peace and we can live with peace in together with prosperity.
We are talking about the construct Lhasa-Kerung railway line. India also wants to use this railway line for trade with Europe, the Middle East, and West Asia. At that point, Nepal will be a transit point in this region. That’s why this railway line will be a beautiful opportunity for Nepal. Communist Party of China also knows that the gate of Nepal has to be opened to make south Asia prosperous. We know very well what is our priority and what the important role of Nepal regarding the BRI. We also know that, according to our foreign policy, we have to balance our neighbors based on our national interests. Our current government is very clear and conscious on it.
BRI and President Xi’s visit to Nepal
BRI is the initiatives to collaborate and cooperate with all the neighbors. Till date, there are two types of model experience by the humankind. The one is to earn, at the same time demolished the others. Next, mutual collaboration and coexistence is the basis of the conduct. The first model impose the hegemony. That not prevails, nor prosperity. It only makes many hungry, whereas some fulfills. We are happy to see the second vision of the Chinese leadership.
It is important to have regional peace if you want global peace purposely. We joined with the BRI in 2017. It’s was late but now situation is very good for work on it. We have stable government and strong leadership as well.
BRI and the others
At the beginning it was impossible to conduct the railway system from Qing Hai to Lahsa by many western foreigners, however, Chinese knowledge, skill and technology embark on it to make it success it now running on full phase. That is the landmark to recognized the Chinese skill and technology in the world. It’s getting a high global credentials.
Still we have discourses in Nepal and India about the prospect of BRI is one of the ambitious projects to indept around the world. My point in this regard is that BRI is within the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and whereas Asian Development Bank and World Bank in the other side. Let see these two perspectives. What are the toms and conditions? However, Do you see any toms and conditions of the BRI? We can compare by the interest rate from World Bank, ADB and BRI. It’s great difference. For that reason and many others it is a fictitious. These ways are only to enhance president Xi might help create a positive attitude to get through BRI a collaborative mutual development and peace. Positive attitude and implementation with faith might be a paradigm shift not only development of the Nepalese communities, but also to the region and the world. For that many reasons and the others President Xi Jin Ping’s visit to Nepal is one of the important milestone.
About Author : Ganga Prasad Upreti is currently Chancellor of Nepal Academy. The academy is a national institution of Nepal for the promotion of the languages, literature, culture, philosophy and social sciences of Nepal. The academy commissions research and aims to promote the development of cultural and intellectual endeavors by coordinating national and international activities. He was the former chief of the World Language College, Kathmandu. He has written more than a dozen books including about Nepal China relations.
President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, reviews the armed forces during the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing, Oct 1, 2019.
An attendee views an exhibit at an event in Beijing marking the People’s Republic’s foundation 70 years ago. [Photo/Xinhua]
Chinese people living abroad on Saturday praised their motherland for its economic takeoff, elevation in global status and technological advancements.
They gathered at an exhibition in Beijing marking the People’s Republic’s foundation 70 years ago.
Chen Minghua, a US citizen born in the coastal province Fujian in 1948, said he was most impressed by the colored signs and installations paying tribute to China’s successful testing of atomic and hydrogen bombs in the 1960s and the launch of its first manmade satellite in 1970.
The 71-year-old, whose jobs in the US have ranged from restaurant owner to real estate developer, said China has seen speedy progress in all aspects since he left in 1968.
“I am very proud as an ethnic Chinese,” he said, whose surname translates as “never forget China”.
Chen was one of some 2,000 Chinese emigrants to about 130 countries and regions who flew into Beijing for the founding ceremony on Tuesday at the invitation of government.
As part of their itinerary, they were invited to the display, covering over 155,000 square meters at the Beijing Exhibition Center.
It comprises five chapters showing how Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC, established and developed socialism and worked to build a modern socialist country.
Ji Zhihai, a Chinese national living and working in Italy since he went there for study in 1986, said China has transformed beyond recognition in a short time, benefiting Chinese emigrants doing business overseas through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
The former law student, elected a legislator in the Italian city Forlì in 1997, said he had been using his expertise to help Chinese communities there, hoping that they can be successful by being diligent, just as he has been.
Li Rujiang, an exporter of Chinese commodities to the Czech Republic, said many overseas Chinese people like him have demonstrated solidarity with the country and they wish to be involved in China’s global strategies like the BRI.
“I hope that we expatriates could get more involved in the BRI,” he said, which he said will be beneficial for all in involved.
China has more than 60 million of its people living abroad, scattered across more than 200 countries and regions, central government figures show. They have long been regarded a major part of the Chinese nation and ambassadors of Chinese culture and friendships.